[Carbon Fiber Electric Wheelchair] Genuine packaging, beware of empty box piracy

[Carbon Fiber Electric Wheelchair] Genuine packaging, beware of empty box piracy

This year, many customers have inquired about the sale of carbon fiber electric wheelchairs, looking for recommendations for electric wheelchairs that are lightweight, powerful and safe. specially for In Hong Kong and Macau, we are agents of three ultra-light and high-quality carbon fiber electric wheelchairs, namely the American Sunrise Q50R Carbon , Pride iGo Lite , and Carbon X electric wheelchairs .

carbon wheelchair

Genuine wheelchair

The above three wheelchairs are all in genuine packaging , ensuring they are genuine products. We also hope to remind consumers to be careful of some blank boxes without labels or boxes with simplified Chinese characters on the market to beware of piracy.

Product Details:
1. American Sunrise Quickie Q50R Carbon full carbon fiber ultra-light electric wheelchair:
2. American Pride iGo Lite electric wheelchair:
3. Carbon X ultra-lightweight electric wheelchair


For more information, please call +852 35680755.