[Wheelchair Fire and Explosion Accident] Be careful when choosing a dual-battery wheelchair - Be careful to prevent small wires from catching fire, which may seriously lead to explosions

[Wheelchair fire and explosion accident] Be careful when choosing a domestic dual-battery wheelchair to prevent wire fires

Recently, a customer came to us for help, saying that the wires of his wheelchair (a domestic product produced by a repair shop) were short-circuited and had caught fire and burned down. He wanted us to perform repair services.

After inspection, it was found that the wheelchair is a domestic dual-battery design. There is no problem with the design. However, in practice, because the wires connecting the batteries are too small, the wires do not comply with mechanical operation principles and international standards. The smaller the wires, the greater the resistance. , low efficiency and waste of heat energy, making the wires and battery very hot when charging/discharging.

Analysis of the causes of wheelchair fires: When one battery is in a dead state and the other battery continues to operate, a strong current will be generated, and the wire that is too small cannot bear the load, resulting in a short circuit. It may even cause a fire or battery overheating and explosion.

Chinese low quality battery

Wheelchair dual battery

Wheelchair Dual Electric

wheelchair battery

After inspection, it was found that the low-quality battery used thin wires to save costs. It had been short-circuited, so there had been flames, and the surface had been damaged and burned.

broken wheelchair battery short circuit

dual battery wheelchair

electric wheelchair battery

Electric wheelchair with dual-voltage small wires, fire and explosion records (taken from Oriental Daily)

electric wheelchair fire record

We would like to remind everyone to be careful when choosing a wheelchair. You should pay more attention to the hardware of the wheelchair, such as the thickness of the wires, connections, etc. You can either choose a single-electric wheelchair directly or use a reliable parallel dual battery, and be careful to prevent the wires from being too small or poorly modified. If users have any questions about electric wheelchairs, please call us at +852 35680755.

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